22 Jun 2011

Hi there!
This blog is dedicated towards explaining the symbiotic relationship between WWII and medicine. Like viewing a canvas, if you only focus on a specific part of the canvas you won't be able to make a good judgement about the overall picture unless you stand back and absorb the entire view. The same applies when we speak about WWII and medicine. To be able to appreciate the symbiotic relationship between the two you have to look at how medicine with all its aspects(social,psychological etc..) was before the war and the impact that war has had on medicine after it has ended.

Knowledge of World War II and other global turning points in history advances one's understanding of how our contemporary society developed. Mark Twain once said that history does not repeat itself, but it rhymes. Millions of people were killed during WWII and it involved many nations, costing more money than any other war in history. Beyond all this the world witnessed humanities being crushed down to ashes.
World War II has been the major turning point for many things such as the birth of new weapons especially nuclear weaponry which gave a whole new perspective to the art of war. Medicine was also profoundly revolutionized during World War II. During this period of time the knowledge and ethics of medical practitioners and those involved in medicine had been put to test. Many new equipment, treatment and procedures were created during the war. Our ethics were compromised in the name of experiments and the mission of producing the perfect human race.

We, a bunch of International Medical university students have done tons of research and references and come up with this site with only one goal in mind, to point out what the World War II had done to the world of medicine. We couldn’t be more delighted when this theme was given to us as our selective project. We hope that this blog will somehow be useful to our guests.
We pray you would skim through our blog and by the time you leave it you would have learnt something new.

Please don't forget to complete the poll at the bottom of the page and drop us some feedback in the chatbox.


BigBangStory Team.

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